Transmission flushes and whether they should be done is one of the biggest issues we hear about at Sun Auto Service. We want you to be well informed about why some consumers are concerned about transmission flushes and why technicians say you should have them done.
The biggest unknown for consumers about transmission flushes aren’t the flushes themselves, but rather the way they’re done. Transmission flushes can potentially pose harm to the transmission when the liquid is forced back into the transmission improperly in a reverse flow, which can block passages or harm interior parts. When new fluid is introduced, the blockage can keep it from flowing as it normally should.
Unlike motor oil, transmission fluid actually burns rather than getting dirty. Intense friction generated by the internal components of the transmission can burn the fluid, which compromises the hydraulic properties of the fluid. Over time this can lead to reduced performance and premature wear.
Just as your owner’s manual lets you know when you should change your oil, it may also tell you when you need to have your transmission fluid flushed. If you like, you can also bring your car to us and we’d be more than happy to take a look at your fluid for you. Generally, a good rule of thumb is to have the fluid flushed every 30,000-50,000 miles in severe service climates or with high summer temperatures such as ours.
Flushing the transmission ensures that most or all of the old fluid is removed during the service. Traditional drain and fill services do not remove all of the old fluid and are not as complete.
If you have questions about when your next transmission flush is due, give us a call! Let our experts help you extend the life of your transmission by determining whether your vehicle is in need of a flush now or later on down the road.