Your vehicle is a vital part of your everyday life, so it makes sense that you’d want to find a reputable auto repair company when it’s time for a tune-up. When deciding which auto repair shop can meet your needs, it’s a good idea to check its rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).
What is the BBB?
The BBB is a nonprofit organization that collects reviews of more than four million businesses across the United States and Canada. The bureau, which has no government affiliation, implemented the letter-grade rating system, which rates businesses between A+ and F, in 2009. The BBB considers 17 different factors when determining a company’s rating. Some of the most important factors include:
- What type of business it is
- How long it has been in operation
- Whether it has the appropriate licenses
- Whether it has appropriately responded to any complaints
- Whether there is a pattern of complaints
- Government actions taken against the business
- Whether the business has applied for BBB accreditation
The letter grade is determined by a points system. Businesses that have an A+ rating with the BBB have between 97 and 100 points. A business must have at least 90 points to get an A- rating.
Using the BBB Rating to Determine If a Business Is Reputable
When you are looking for an auto repair company, the BBB is an important resource. Millions of people use the system each year to determine if a company is reputable, and many use the system to register complaints. When you look at an auto repair shop’s BBB page, you’ll be able to determine if it has ever had a complaint filed with the bureau, and if so, how often complaints occur and how quickly the business resolves them.
You should also look to see if the auto repair company is accredited by the BBB. Although accreditation is not required to be listed with the bureau, it is a further step that shows the company cares about its reputation. Businesses must apply for accreditation. Part of that process involves signing an agreement to uphold integrity not only in performing services, but also in advertising honestly. The bureau monitors accredited companies and will revoke accreditation for certain issues or ongoing problems.
The best businesses will have accreditation and an A+ rating. Maintaining an A+ rating shows the company advertises honestly, provides exemplary service and rarely to never receives complaints. Any complaints the company may have, have been resolved quickly and to the satisfaction of the customer. Looking for these factors will help to ensure you’re using a reputable auto repair company for your car’s needs.