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Great Nevada Off-Roading Trails to Check Out

Nevada off-roadingThe hills and valleys of Nevada are known as some of the greatest off-roading areas in the country, and for good reason. Miles of trails cross the state to create every type of route from scenic cruises to exhilarating adventures. Here are just a few of the best trail rides the state has to offer.

Genoa Peak Road

This trail is one of the gentler rides in the state, making it a great destination for even the most novice drivers. Running through the mountains in Toiyabe National Forest just east of Lake Tahoe, this 10.5-mile trail offers forested views to delight riders of any age.

Old Geiger Grade Toll Road

Another great easy trail is Old Geiger Grade Toll Road. Located near Reno, this trail offers great views of the city and surrounding areas. Be aware that horses, dogs, and regular vehicles also use the road.

Twelve-Mile Hot Springs

If you’re looking for an easy trail with some unique features, this trail might be the perfect route. With hot springs lining the way, you won’t have to travel far from Wells, NV, to enjoy this 4-mile beauty that combines off-road enjoyment with aquatic recreation.

Mojave Road

Near Laughlin, NV, lies a slightly more difficult trail called Mojave Road. This is one of the longest trails at 117.6 miles and may take a few days depending on your mode of transportation. Some travelers report mud, sand and water crossings, with old ruins and salt flats along the way. If you take a trail like this, be sure to pack enough fuel.

Kings Canyon Trail

The mountains surrounding Carson City, NV, boast beautiful wild flowers that are best viewed from the moderately rated Kings Canyon Trail. Waterfalls can be seen, but beware that dogs, hikers, and horses may also use the trail.

Hunter Lake Trail

For more experienced riders, the Hunter Lake Trail offers a difficult road with great views. Located near Reno, NV, the trail covers 13.7 miles and passes a lake as well as forested areas.

Gold Butte Back Country Byway

Another long trail, this byway covers more than 89 miles and is also rated as difficult. With a location near Bunkerville, the trail runs through the mountains on the eastern border of the state.

Whether you’re looking for a casual afternoon drive or a rigorous multiday trip, the trail systems of Nevada have something to offer for every rider. To get your vehicle ready for any off-roading activities, contact Sun Auto Service today and schedule a pre-ride tune-up.