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State Vehicle Inspections in Austin, Texas

If you’ve recently moved to Texas, specifically Austin, along with your automobile, there’s a good chance you’ll need to have it inspected before you’re able to get your driver’s license or license plates. Sun Auto Service is here to explain why you need to service it in the first place, how it’s different from an emissions test, and where you can go in the Austin area to take care of your Texas state inspection.

The Difference Between State Inspections and Emissions Testing

Not every state requires drivers to complete inspections annually or biennially, but Texas is one of them. While an emissions test might be done during your state inspection, state inspections often go one step further and check your vehicle to ensure it meets state standards for safety. Your vehicle might not release harmful emissions into the air, but that doesn’t mean it has all of the necessary safety features required by the state of Texas.

Examples of items checked during a state inspection often include:

  • Tire tread, condition, and pressure
  • Brake, backup, and turn lights
  • Steering and suspension
  • Engine warning lights
  • Fluid leaks

Emissions tests, on the other hand, check to see how much pollution, if any, your vehicle emits. Such tests were created under the Clean Air Act and are common in metropolitan areas where there is a large concentration of automobiles. Should harmful emissions go unchecked, there’s a good chance a buildup of them could lead to stunted or diseased local plant life, upper respiratory issues, and a compromised quality of air. Bad air quality can be especially harmful to individuals with asthma or other respiratory issues, the elderly, and young children.

Why Inspections and Tests Are Required in Some States and Not Others

While state inspections and emissions testing seem as if they should be offered in every state, there are some states, such as Florida, that have done away with them. One reason for this is that state officials might have felt such testing and inspections were too expensive and time consuming. This is especially true if a county has a single inspection or testing station. Should motorists wait until the last moment for their inspections, cars could be lined up for several blocks, which could create a safety hazard. Ultimately, it’s up to state officials to decide if they want to implement inspections and tests.

Inspection and Testing Sites in Austin

If you have an upcoming state inspection or emissions test, or if you fail an emissions test, swing by Sun Auto Service. Our services are on par with those of a big name dealership, but we make sure our services are more affordable. Give us a call to schedule your State Inspection today.