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How to Prioritize When Your Vehicle Needs Several Repairs

car checklist priorities Have you ever taken your vehicle in for a simple repair only to find out there are more issues than you realized? This occurrence is, unfortunately, not uncommon. You go in to have the technician look at an engine knock only to find out there is a long list of needed repairs. The problem is car repairs can get expensive and may take a real bite out of your budget. What can you do when your vehicle needs more repairs than you can afford? The technicians may be able to help you prioritize the repairs based on what can and cannot wait.

Know What Repairs Should Be Done Immediately

Some car problems are more serious than others. For example, anything that compromises a vehicle’s safety and reliability should be addressed as quickly as possible. You may want to consider doing the following repairs right away.

  • Replace extremely worn tires.
  • Repair worn braking systems.
  • Change important fluids, such as power steering, transmission, radiator and brake.
  • Replace components that are needed to get your car running, such as a serpentine belt, alternator or starter.
  • Fix issues related to rod bearings as this type of issue can lead to imminent engine failure.

Talk with your technician to learn more about the issues with your car. If anything is going to compromise your safety, it might be best to either make the repair right away or avoid driving the vehicle.

Find Out What Repairs Can Be Postponed

Other problems do not have to be addressed as quickly. You may be able to go awhile without taking on the following fixes.

  • Stopping engine knocks caused by piston slap, wrist pin or a main bearing
  • Replacing tires that still have decent tread
  • Fixing a broken air conditioning unit
  • Repairing emission quality issues that do not affect your ability to drive

Typically, if an issue does not affect the safety of your car, you may be able to postpone the repair. Your technician can tell you how long to wait and how to handle the problem in the meantime.

Learn About Available Financing Programs

If all of the problems are major, you may need to take on more than you can afford right now. At Sun Auto Service, helping you afford important repairs is a priority. That is why you may have access to a special financing option through Synchrony Financial called Car Care credit card. You can use this credit card to pay for big repair items or regular maintenance. Through this card, you can make low monthly payments rather than paying for the repairs up front. You may also qualify for special financing, see service center for details.

The Car Care card may not be right for every person, but you have other options as well. For example, you can call your service center to get a quote for the different repairs you need. Once you have the quote, you may be able to better plan the maintenance. Another option you may want to consider is signing up for an extended warranty. This type of program, which is sometimes referred to as a vehicle service contract, may cover the cost of major repairs. There are different levels of the service contract, so you can fit it into your budget. Keep these tips in mind the next time your vehicle needs several repairs.